#honest #nose
#supple #body #rich #plump #structure
#new #pine #arches #rigorous #flinty #grip
#old world #reserve #over-developed #development
#unbalanced #weight #heavy #legs #sweet #tangy #tears #short #trill
#long #loose-knit #robe #puckery #smooth #texture
#lack-lustre #intensity #generous #finish
#silky #round #stiff #taut
#open #oak #easy #cork dork
#backward #iron #accessible #character #unctuous #underbrush
#rustic #depth #balloon
#hard #plonk #massive #growth #full-bodied
#vintage #wood #nervous #sediment
#velvety #green #gravel
#dry #farewell
The first encounter is a strange scent. We watch and enjoy, beholding its cerise
blush bloom. We swirl, unleashing hidden stages. Smooth and silky - not what
you would expect emerging from a cave. Or possibly, because darkness is soft and
By now you may have begun to imagine the tons of rock weighing heavily on all
sides. The impression of volume, beyond big, beyond full-bodied.
The impression increases, disrupting our sense of balance.
A long, purple trail trickles down the cave wall, pools on the floor, and seeps into
the soil.
It's ten after ten. Time to refill our balloons.